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When to pick up the 45?

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When to pick up the 45? Empty When to pick up the 45?

Post by tceva 6/20/2018, 5:26 am

My rimfire results are steadily improving, I am quite happy with things so far.  I know a plateau is coming.  Per the recommendations of a wise BE shooter, I have stayed away from my 45's up to this point.  (first year competing)  Here lately I have been practicing with them a bit more.  Dry fire and at the range.  Once again things are moving right along.  Almost every session, I use RF range commands.  With the rimfire I have time left, but getting back on target with the 45 gets me right to the wire with time, sometimes late.  I feel like that will improve with time.  Any thoughts from those more knowledgeable than me?
Thanks in advance 

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When to pick up the 45? Empty Re: When to pick up the 45?

Post by CR10X 6/20/2018, 5:43 am

How close are .45 SF scores to .22 SF scores?

How big are groups for TF / SF with .45 vs .22?

Do you have any issues when shooting the .22 after shooting the .45?

Basically, if you have to ask, then you are probably ready. 


PS, don't practice, do train on something specific and keep notes.  Practice is just for a test match (SF, TF, RF, NMC, etc.) every so often to see how things are coming together when you just shoot like you are at a match.  For practice or at a match, just shoot and make notes on what went good and not so good (for training sessions later.)


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When to pick up the 45? Empty Re: When to pick up the 45?

Post by tceva 6/20/2018, 12:21 pm

Cecil, Thanks for the note.  A couple of minor adjustments to my 45 hold was all it took to replicate my 22 slow fire scores.   With all the information on this forum, all I needed to do is find out what worked the  best, and keep doing it. Load development came by chance, works great on the LL and not punishing on the SL.  So I am going to stick with a single load for both.  What is the best way to train for RF target acquisition or maybe I should say re-aquisition? Is that something that comes after thousands of rounds?  I think I already know the answer. 

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When to pick up the 45? Empty Re: When to pick up the 45?

Post by jmdavis 6/20/2018, 12:30 pm


Cecil's advice is some of the best that you can get. The thing that helped me was to have a planned process and I used the USMC Workbook for that. There should be a link to a pdf copy in the Fundamentals forum. 

I'm a slow learner when it comes to physical things sometimes and it took me a lot of drills (1 shot, 2 shot) to figure out how to get the gun back on target and finish in time with good shots (or at least shots in the black). Whenever I would get stuck in the USMC workbook, I would work on one and two shot drills and slow fire. I still go back and shoot blank targets with some regularity with both irons and dot. 

The next match at Cavalier will be the first Saturday in August. We also plan another clinic with William Bethards for November.

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When to pick up the 45? Empty Re: When to pick up the 45?

Post by tceva 6/20/2018, 1:03 pm

Thanks Mike,
I need to come to come see you.  I have been driving to NC.  It is a bit closer.  The BE folks there have been very accommodating, some of the best.  It has been a very busy season for me, so my free time is somewhat limited.  I am going to drag out the workbook, and revisit the 45 section.  Maybe my Better Half will let me have 2 weekends in August.  Hope your bees are hard at it.

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When to pick up the 45? Empty Re: When to pick up the 45?

Post by CR10X 6/20/2018, 6:53 pm

Sounds like you are on the way to shooting some great scores! 

One of the things that helped me (and I'm still working on getting the short line better) is to keep the head / eye in position and NOT track the dot / sights.  After you see the dot / sights lift out of the black, keep the eyes there and drive the gun back down into the black to require the dot / front sight.  

I see a lot of people that let the recoil take the gun way high, stop and then start slowly back to the target.  I like to feel like the body and stance are driving the gun back to the center without me even thinking about it.  The gun doesn't fall to the black, it like the whole body is driving it there, trying to get it there before the next trigger press is completed, because that trigger is going to be moving anyway.  I don't have the best words here, but when its working, the gun just naturally gets back to the black without any thought and the trigger is there.  But when its off...... well, it takes a lot more effort. 



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When to pick up the 45? Empty Re: When to pick up the 45?

Post by tceva 6/21/2018, 4:54 am

Mike, thanks for reminding me of the obvious.  I have the X-count Manual.  Similar to the USMC Book.  I stopped using it after the 22 section.  Now I have a new/old training plan back in place.  The BE command app on my phone has those drills on it.  Cecil, thank you. Maintaining line of sight and driving the dot back into it is something that I consciously work on.  The other is after the 3 or 4th shot I will develop noodle arm while rushing to get the last shot(s) in.  So I try to maintain arm tension regardless of the command.  Sometimes I end up running out of time.  I think the drills will help a lot.  I can't say enough about taking a day off once in a awhile. I should say mixing it up.   Especially on the steep part of the learning curve.  It really helps with motivation and my joints.

Tight Groups.

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Age : 64
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