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What brass do you prefer, and why?

Allen Barnett
james r chapman
bruce martindale
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What brass do you prefer, and why? - Page 2 Empty What brass do you prefer, and why?

Post by bruce martindale 1/30/2019, 9:20 am

First topic message reminder :

Trying to gain insight here, kinda like what Jerry Keefer frequently shared...

In 45, I had always used WW or RP cases for lead, with minimal resizing to avoid base damage and swaging. These have the thinnest wall thicknesses. 

 I used Federal with jacketed along with standard RCBS resizer dies as they had the thicker walls and better bullet pull is to be had with a smaller case inside diameter. 

I also hear folks use Federal for lead, perhaps with hardcast and bevel base due to case quality?



bruce martindale

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What brass do you prefer, and why? - Page 2 Empty Re: What brass do you prefer, and why?

Post by Founder 3/12/2019, 12:08 am

What brass do you prefer, and why? - Page 2 20171010
I shot this match with 5 split brass and no 2 headlamps the same in my stock barreled and stock bushing Springfield.

I don't think that brass means a hill of beans difference in .45acp. Every one of the shots went exactly where the dot was when the shot broke.

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What brass do you prefer, and why? - Page 2 Empty Re: What brass do you prefer, and why?

Post by Founder 3/12/2019, 12:10 am

....now don't misunderstand....I didn't say it doesn't make ANY difference, but I do believe that it doesn't make enough of a difference to make a big deal out of it. It's the nut behind the trigger that shoots a good shot.

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What brass do you prefer, and why? - Page 2 Empty Re: What brass do you prefer, and why?

Post by LenV 3/12/2019, 12:40 am

What he said.  Very Happy Well, except there are some you should never use. Armscor jumped to mind. Maybe we should have a thread on brass to never use.

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What brass do you prefer, and why? - Page 2 Empty Re: What brass do you prefer, and why?

Post by orpheoet 3/12/2019, 6:39 pm

I bought a ton of HPR when Midway was selling it cheap last year. That'll be my long line for years to come most likely. Starline and Winchester for the short line. I've seen 3 different flashhole sizes in Federal .45 brass. So i through it into my miscellaneous pile for practice.

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What brass do you prefer, and why? - Page 2 Empty Re: What brass do you prefer, and why?

Post by jglenn21 3/13/2019, 6:43 am

I'll nominate A-Merc brass for the worst ever Len
Never close to spec..

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What brass do you prefer, and why? - Page 2 Empty Re: What brass do you prefer, and why?

Post by bruce martindale 3/13/2019, 8:16 am

A-Merc goes directly to scrap...14 mil walls anyone?

bruce martindale

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What brass do you prefer, and why? - Page 2 Empty Re: What brass do you prefer, and why?

Post by dronning 3/13/2019, 9:08 am

I have no willpower when it comes to good deals on good brass. 

Federal - I got 2 5gal buckets of once fired brass, free.  I never saved it b4 shooting Bullseye, 1 bucket left.

HPR (made by Starline?*) - I bought 6K because I got a smokin' deal on it (also Midway).

Starline - Bought 2K because H&K was selling out of it and had it $40/1,000 less than Starline's price

New HPR or Starline brass will group tighter at 50, but not enough to make a difference for me - yet.

- Dave
* The HPR brass actually has tighter specs than Starline based on the samples I took.

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What brass do you prefer, and why? - Page 2 Empty Re: What brass do you prefer, and why?

Post by New2BE 3/14/2019, 7:26 am

+2 for A Merc, also nominate PPU, *1, PMC, and Blaser


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What brass do you prefer, and why? - Page 2 Empty Re: What brass do you prefer, and why?

Post by kidneyboy 3/15/2019, 6:16 am

Founder wrote:....now don't misunderstand....I didn't say it doesn't make ANY difference, but I do believe that it doesn't make enough of a difference to make a big deal out of it. It's the nut behind the trigger that shoots a good shot.

What he said ^^^^^

I get cleaned, single headstamp brass (usually Federal, Win or R&P) for .02 cents a piece. While some is set aside for the next shortage it's not worth picking up at that price.


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